Instagram photography tips

How to Click Instagram Worthy Pictures on Smartphone?

In the age of social media, Instagram has become one of the most popular platforms for sharing photos and stories with friends and followers. Whether you’re an aspiring influencer, a travel enthusiast, or simply someone who enjoys sharing moments of your life, taking Instagram-worthy pictures on your mobile phone is a valuable skill.

Who needs a DSLR to click pictures when we have a mobile phone which can capture amazing photos! Everybody is on social media these days, and the young generation mainly uses Instagram to post pictures.

What are Instagram-worthy pictures?

Instagram-worthy photographs are visually appealing and aesthetically pleasing images that can attract attention and distinguish themselves inside the Instagram network.

Why is it important to take good photos on Instagram?

The process of capturing high-quality photographs on the Instagram platform holds significant importance due to its ability to get attention, foster engagement among followers, and effectively communicate one’s intended message or brand within the visually oriented realm of social media.

Instagram photography tips

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The significance of taking good photos on Instagram cannot be ignored. In a social platform driven by visuals, your photos are your first impression. They are the gateway to your profile and the key to grabbing your audience’s attention.

Read Also: 3 Important Composition Rules in Photography: How to Take Better Photos

Here are 9 best Instagram photography tips which are as follows: –

Use Natural Light:

Whenever clicking pictures, it is best to use natural light. Never use flash when using natural light to ensure that the photos are not highly contrasted. To get post-worthy pictures on your phone, the first thing you need to know is how to use the light.

Don’t let overexposure ruin your pictures:

You can always correct a darkened photo with the help of editing tools, but there is no solution to edit an overexposed image. Try avoiding clicking a picture without adjusting the light. Always adjust the light for adequate exposure when clicking a picture.

Choose the right time to shoot the picture:

The best time considered to shoot is generally 1 hour after sunrise and 1 hour before sunset. It is known as the golden hour. If you are shooting in the middle of the day, clouds may work as a filter, or sunlight can be too harsh for the photograph.

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Read Also: Understanding the Rule of Thirds: Composition Techniques for Stunning Visuals

Always remember to follow the rule of thirds:

The rule of thirds is a well-known and most used composition in photography. The rule suggests the balancing of images by dividing the image into a 3×3 grid. The grid is aligned with objects or subjects in the image to create balance.

Follow your viewpoint:

Always consider your viewpoint; have fresh perspectives. Try shooting from above or from a different angleto emphasize your viewpoint.

Avoid zooming in on pictures:

When clicking a picture,avoid zooming in. By zooming, you are limiting the view to the picture and, in short, just pre-cropping it. To focus mainly on the subject, you can tap the subject on the camera and click the picture.

Read Also: Lighting Techniques for Product Photography

Add elements to garner viewers’ attention:

Adding leading lines in the picture will enhance the quality and can grab the attention of the user. Leading lines are buildings, trees, or roads.You can use leading lines to add motion or purpose to the photo.

Add depth to the photos:

Top 5 Editing Tools to Enhance Your Photography Skills

You can click pictures with the main focus on your subject, but adding more layers and backgrounds will create more impact on the photograph and make it more attractive.

Read Also: Mastering the Lens: A Guide to Photography Techniques

Make your own trends:

When promoting your brand images on Instagram, never forget to get creative. You can always follow the trend but try to stand out from the crowd.


Capturing Instagram-worthy photos on your smartphone is an art by which you can also gain many followers. Also, keep in mind that to master composition, use the rule of thirds and use tools to enhance your photos.

You can also edit your pictures by using photo editing tools as well. Remember, one thing practice, explore, and find your unique style. For more try photography communities, apps, and books. Your Instagram feed will leave a lasting impression.

Read Also: Top 5 Editing Tools to Enhance Your Photography Skills


What are Instagram-Worthy Pictures?

Instagram-worthy pictures are those that capture the attention of your audience, evoke emotions, and stand out amidst the sea of content on the platform. These photos are visually appealing, well-composed, and tell a story.

What are the best apps for editing Instagram photos?

Some popular photo editing apps for Instagram include VSCO, Snapseed, and Adobe Lightroom Mobile.

What are some tips for taking good selfies on a mobile phone?

Some tips for taking good selfies on a mobile phone: –
·         Hold the camera at eye level and slightly above your head.
·         Use natural light whenever possible.
·         Experiment with different angles and poses to find what looks best on you.

What are some tips for taking good food photos on a mobile phone?

Some tips for taking good food photos on a mobile phone are: –
1. Use a well-lit background.
2. Experiment with different angles and compositions.
3. Use editing tools to adjust the brightness, contrast, and saturation of your photos.

What is mobile photography?

Mobile photography refers to the practice of capturing photos using a mobile phone or smartphone camera. It has become increasingly popular with the advancement of smartphone technology, which often includes high-quality cameras, various shooting modes, and editing tools.

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