Certificate in Camera and Lighting Techniques
“Light turns the ordinary into the magical.” -Trent Parke
“Light turns the ordinary into the magical.” -Trent Parke
The goal of this course is to introduce each student to the fundamentals of motion picture cinematography that include both technical knowledge and artistic application. Special focus will be placed specifically on camera and lighting techniques. This training instills knowledge of digital cameras and its application.
Shooting : news production and Interview production,
Editing Multi camera production,
Editing documentary or short film.
Introduction to Cinematography
Camera, Equipment & Accessories
Lighting Techniques
AAFT School of Cinema is equipped with high-end editing labs with the latest software and Chroma studios. Our fully-equipped studios with high-end cameras and other equipment provide students an opportunity to face and handle cameras in real-time.
The School of Cinema is also equipped with TV studios, RED Digital camera, tracks, trolleys, cranes along with cameras of HD and SD compatibility. The School also boasts of:
AAFT takes strident measures to organize periodic workshops to enrich the industry knowledge of students while exposing them to the views and insights of experts and veterans across multiple fields.