In an groundbreaking achievement, AAFT Alunmi Rajorshi Basu has created anime film named Karmachkra that looks straight out of Japan. Made with a core team of just four people, this 20 minute film has got over 1 lakh views. It took over 4 years for Basu and his team to make this one-of-its kind film. Basu says his Studio Durga looks forward to making homegrown animation that’s not aimed just as children.
Karmachakra is the story of an orphan girl trying to find her roots, revolving around mysteries about her past and present.
Renowned media personality and president of Asian Academy of Film and Television, Mr Sandeep Marwah was conferred with an honorary Doctorate from Kings University, USA as a gesture of recognition of his untiring efforts in the film, television and media industry.
“I am charged with new energy and this gesture by Kings University has given me new blood to work more and differently for media and entertainment industry," said Mr Marwah, while thanking for the honorary Doctorate.
The proposal of building a world class ‘infotainment' city in Greater Noida will provide a massive boost to Indian cinema and "not divide" Bollywood, feels Akshay Marwah, CEO Marwah Studios
"We have been nurturing talents for decades and this new film city will open even more new avenues for young filmmakers in India and abroad."
Akshay, who has also established the AAFT University, India's first film and creative arts university says that a new film city will not divide the Bollywood venues in India, instead it will create more opportunities for the regional cinema to grow.