Asian Academy of Film and Television is committed to providing the finest college experience to its students with technologically advanced classrooms and high-end equipment and software that facilitate smart learning. The academy has air-conditioned classrooms with high lumen projectors and projection screens. The entire campus is Wi-Fi enabled with spacious gardens and an outdoor shooting facility.
The campus also boasts a cafeteria, conference room, rehearsal halls, deluxe makeup room, research center, video conferencing room, and private screening rooms.
The academy provides the latest state-of-the-art equipment for students' exercises. It also has 14 air-conditioned film studios and theaters.
The campus has a fully equipped library that contains a plethora of in-house resources. The mission of the AAFT library is to enrich students with relevant knowledge by providing access to a broad range of books, magazines, newspapers, and DVDs. The library has: