Ms. Juhi Joshep, Assistant Professor, SOFD

Ms. Juhi Joshep,

Assistant Professor, SOFD 
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Ms. Juhi holds a Master’s degree in Fashion Design and has around 5 years of experience in the industry out of which she has around 3 years of academic experience. She has previously worked with Vareli Bafna Designs, Ivory Bazaar, Jhelum, INISD Bhopal, Kumaun University Nainital. She is specialized in Fashion Illustrations and PMGC.

Additional Information

List of Faculties

Rina Dhaka

Industry Dean

Prof. Siva Ganesh Babu


Nidhi Talwar

Assistant Professor

Monika Ahluwalia

Assistant Professor

Dr. Neema Papnai

Assistant Professor

Ajit Krishna

Assistant Professor

Mansi Chaudhary

Assistant Professor

Deepshika Sagar

Assistant Professor

Ankur Bagai

Sr. Photographer


Assistant Professor

Akanksha Ojha

Assistant Professor


Assistant Professor

Manvi Kapoor

Assistant Professor

Ms. Juhi Joseph

Assistant Professor


Assistant Professor


Assistant Professor

Lovely Jaiswal

Assistant Professor

Kunal Debnath

Assistant Professor

Mr Sarvjeet Thapar

Assistant Professor

Mr. Khursheed Alam

Lab Assistant